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Response to Covid-19 during the school year 2020-2021
In Czech Republic schools opened on 1st September 2020.
All students returned full-time to schools, while distance education will be only available in cases stipulated by the prepared amendment to the Education Act, including the need for extraordinary measures or quarantine orders. Apart from the above cases, the school principal or legal representative cannot decide on the transition to distance learning.
There is no obligation to wear face masks within schools. However, the obligation to wear face masks could apply to the organization of mass events. The introduction of the obligation to wear face masks is governed by the degree of readiness in the field of public health protection, the so-called “traffic light”. If the district is included in the readiness level II (orange colour), the relevant regional hygienic authorities will introduce the obligation to wear face masks in the common areas of schools.
Extra funds for the purchase of ICT equipment have also been made available to primary schools.
You can find more information.
Response to Covid-19 during the school year 2019-2020
Since 17 March 2020, a series of follow-up webinars on distance education were implemented. Webinars were dedicated to practical and usable procedures and instructions on how schools can implement online learning during quarantine, how complex and time consuming it is, what specific technologies they can use for online learning. Tips, resources, collaboration tools and possibilities to virtually connect with other teachers were also provided.
The Czech national TV, in collaboration with MoE, launched on 16 March a broadcast for primary school pupils. During the week, a special TV programme was broadcasting in the morning. It consisted of 25 min long sessions for dedicated grades (1st to 5th grade).
The Ministry also launched a webpage for teachers with resources/tools.
The DZS was providing teachers with a special website where useful web tools for distance education are supported by experienced teachers.
National Support Service of eTwinning started a series of activities for teachers – one of them was videos of how eTwinners teach now.